Learning and Living Together

Food in School (including School Dinners)

Healthy Eating

A reminder regarding snacks & packed lunches in school plus some snacks sent for afterschool clubs. We believe ourselves to be a healthy school, and though we try not to dictate what children eat during the school day, this should be healthy.

Morning break: 

A piece of fruit, or veg (carrot sticks,) a healthy cereal bar (NO NUTS) oatcakes etc

Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 receive Fruit and Vegetables that are provided by school as a Government funded incentive

Packed Lunches: 

Please no family size / sharing bags of sweets or crisps. 


Water Bottles:

At Cale Green Primary School, we follow the Local Authority and National guidelines which state that children should only have plain, still or sparking water in school to drink in the classroom. This should be brought into school in a clear container. All water from cold taps is of drinking standard in school.

We also recommend that children bring water in clearly labelled multi use containers, rather than single use bottles which are not good for the environment.


We have a number of children and staff in school who suffer from SEVERE nut allergies. We cannot stress enough the severity of these allergies that could have very serious consequences should they even come in to contact with nuts to the touch, let alone digest them.

The following items SHOULD NOT be brought into school:

  • NO peanut butter sandwiches
  • NO packets of nuts (cashews / pistachios etc)
  • NO mixed nuts sachets or bags of nuts 
  • NO Nutella (chocolate spread sandwiches)
  • NO pesto on pasta / wraps (made with pine nuts)
  • NO fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts i.e Tracker bars
  • NO chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts (Celebrations i.e. Snickers)
  • NO sesame seed rolls or bagels (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
  • NO cakes made with nuts

We have a policy not to use nuts in any of our food prepared on site at our school.

If there are any issues that you feel arise as a result of this, please do feel free to come to the Office to discuss them and if your child develops any allergies, please inform the school ASAP.

Help keep our children and staff safe and 'thank you' for your co-operation in this matter.


School Dinners at Cale Green Primary School

Your child may have a hot dinner provided by school or bring a packed lunch from home.

School meals are cooked in our own kitchen by a team from Totally Local. They plan and organise menus which are nutritionally balanced, and which cater for a variety of dietary requirements. A menu for this term is available on ParentPay for you to select your child's meals at home if you wish to. Meals are served on a ‘cafeteria’ basis. Drinking water will also be available.  

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in Primary schools in England are eligible for free school meals (Universal Free School Meals). The current entitlement to Free School Meals (FSM) will also continue to be available to all pupils whose parents receive certain benefits and who are registered to receive one. Nursery aged children are NOT part of the UFSM offer.

It is very important that, if your child is entitled, you still register for Free School Meals under the current scheme. This will mean that the school will benefit from over £1000 additional funding each year for your child from central Government (Pupil Premium) and also that they will receive free meals when they are in Years 3 – 6 (if you continue to be eligible).To register your child please visit the Stockport website, where you can apply online. 


How much are school dinners?

School meals cost £2.60 per day, £13.00 per week. Payment for school meals should be made to school via Parent Pay.


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