Learning and Living Together

Road Safety- Spring Cycling

Spring cycling

Get cycling this Spring and explore near and far with your children.

There are lots of guides online to help you teach your child to cycle such as -

 Teach a child to ride a bike without stabilisers in nine steps - Sustrans.org.uk ,

 How to teach a kid to ride a bike in 30 minutes | video guide (bikeradar.com) ,

 How to teach your child to ride a bike (britishcycling.org.uk)

Information on cycle routes in Stockport can be found at https://www.stockport.gov.uk/cycle-routes

For more information on routes, tips and training, including family sessions, see Cycling | TfGM Bee Active

Remember to take care and be courteous to other road and trail users. See The Highway Code - Rules for cyclists (59 to 82) - Guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

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