School Uniform
School Uniform at Cale Green Primary School
Parents are requested to dress their children in school uniform. The basic colours are green, grey and white and it consists of:
- white shirt or polo shirt
- green cardigan
- green sweatshirt
- green fleece
Sensible black shoes should be worn (no boots or training shoes please)
Grey or black trousers/ skirt or pinafore (no jeans or tracksuits)
All uniform can be purchased branded with the school logo or unbranded from local shops.
If you wish to purchase embroidered polo shirts, fleeces, printed sweatshirts and T-shirts these are available from our suppliers. Please see details below.
All new children are provided with one large school bag when they start at our school.
Jewellery is not allowed. Only plain studs are allowed if a child’s ears are pierced.
We have made the school PE kit as simple as possible. It consists of:
- plain white t-shirt
- black / white sports shorts
PE kit should be kept in school in a named PE bag as opportunities for PE often arise at short notice. School PE kit must be worn.
Please label all your child’s clothing with his/her name.
For embroidered uniform items you can visit Davensport Ltd, 98 Bramhall Lane, Davenport, Stockport, SK2 6JG.
We also hold a pre-loved uniform sale on the school playground on the last Friday of the month where all items are 50p.