Reading Resources and Schemes
Reading Resources /Schemes at Cale Green Primary School
The reading scheme books we use in school are carefully chosen to provide opportunities for reading interesting and engaging fiction and non-fiction texts. They are all carefully structured into ‘Book Bands’ and are also linked in with the ‘synthetic phonics’ scheme which we use – ‘Letters and Sounds’.
Every day the children have a Guided Group Reading session. This is led by the teacher, Teaching Assistant or through an independent activity such as writing a book review. Where necessary, there are additional Guided Reading Groups and intervention strategies using 2 reading resources: ‘Fuzzbuzz’ and ‘Wellington Square’. If appropriate, children are also listened to read individually. We have a group of parent volunteers who help in this as well as a volunteer provided by the ‘Beanstalk’ charity.
If a child is falling behind with their reading at the end of Year 1 / beginning of Year 2 they may be able to take part in the Every Child a Reader / Reading Recovery project whereby a teacher delivers 100 additional half hour lessons, each day for 20 weeks so that the child’s reading matches national expectations.
Further details of the Every Child a Reader / Reading Recovery project can be accessed by following this link:
In the Foundation Stage children are encouraged to share books at home and at school. We use a range of schemes such as Rigby Star, Oxford Reading Tree, Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales and ‘Project X Phonics’.
Throughout Key Stage 1, children are provided with a range of fiction and non-fiction books which are regularly changed to aid progression with their reading. We use the popular and well-established Oxford Reading Tree scheme. In addition to this, books from the ‘Project X’ reading programme are incorporated to create further enjoyment for 21stcentury children!
As children move into Key Stage 2, they continue to follow reading schemes in order that they progressively learn more advanced deduction and inference skills. The school continues to use the Oxford Reading Tree ‘Project X’, which is closely linked to the programme used in Key Stage 1. To provide variety, pupils also have access to the Oxford Reading Tree ‘Treetops’ and ‘Graphic Novel’ books and a range of quality texts written by popular authors. Many of these resources have been selected for purchase by the children.
Our thematic creative curriculum approach also provides the opportunity to research a theme using a variety of non-fiction texts.
We expect every child to read at home every day – especially the older children! This is the key strategy to develop effective reading skills.
Further details of some of the schemes we use can be accessed by following these links:
Liz Adie – Early Years
Emily Best – Key Stage 1 / phonics
Sarah McHugh – Key Stage 2
Summer 2020