Learning and Living Together

Design and Technology

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Design and Technology at Cale Green Primary School

Our Curriculum in Design and Technology describes what we expect the children of Cale Green to know and by when. There is a logical, sequenced progression of expected knowledge which is assessed, reviewed and revisited to ensure pupils' new learning connects with their prior knowledge.

This curriculum is part of a broad 'curriculum design' map - created by staff to meet both the Aims of the National Curriculum’s Programme of Study and the diverse identity of our community encompassing our vision of “living and learning together.” This means that pupils, parents, staff, leaders and governors have a shared desire to fulfil our ambition of living together in a diverse yet mutually tolerant community, with aspirations of learning about ourselves, others and the wider world with the aim of being positive contributors to it.

Our teaching sequence is based on a resource designed by the Design and Technology Association, called, “Projects on a Page.” Staff use these projects, along with cohort assessment information, to create opportunities for children to plan, make and evaluate products, building on their prior learning and making the experience purposeful and ‘hands-on.’

A variety of teaching and learning strategies are used to ensure every child can access, and make progress in the subject. These include working with a partner, group working, researching using the internet and through reading comprehensions/ biographies of key designers, as well as using mathematical skills such as measuring and making net models. Pupils read and respond to instructions for design and technology and safety rules. In addition, wider opportunities are sought within the community, for example, by making links with Stockport Academy and by involving families in STEAM projects.

The attached files detail the progression of knowledge, skills and understanding expected for Designing, Making, Evaluating, Technical knowledge, cooking and nutrition throughout the school. There is also a copy of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Design and Technology.

Please see the Curriculum design map for details of when the projects are taught.

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