Learning and Living Together


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Computing at Cale Green Primary School

The intent of our computing curriculum at Cale Green Primary School aims to give our pupils the life skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise technology in a socially responsible and safe way.

We aim to provide a high-quality computing education which equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.

We want children to become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies, gaining confidence through carefully planned, progressive lessons.

The use of technology is used to support children across the whole curriculum, ensuring accessibility for all.

We want children to be critical thinkers and to develop creativity and resilience through the computing curriculum.

Through the use of metacognitive strategies including our whole school ‘Drama, Engagement and Active Learning Strategies’, we provide children with ample opportunity to retain contextual knowledge or ‘sticky learning’ and apply this to new learning.

Children are taught computer science.  This includes the craft of coding, from KS1 onwards – floor and screen turtles at KS1 to Scratch and Raspberry Pi at KS2.  Children learn about programming, data, algorithms and networks.  This enables children to develop an understanding of the principles of computer science.  They develop computational thinking. There’s also a focus on problem solving: using logic and ideas about systems, patterns (and pattern languages), abstraction and decomposition.

The new curriculum puts a clearer emphasis on three areas of learning:

Computer science – how computers work and how to write algorithms and solve problems to eventually create a computer program.

Information technology – how data is represented and managed on computers.

Digital literacy – how to understand digital information and interact with it safely and appropriately.

The aim of the new curriculum is to build an understanding of how computers work and how they can be used in pupils’ lives – both in their future employment and in enabling them to be good 21st Century global citizens.

At Cale Green Primary School children are taught computing.  Pupils also have the opportunity to use ICT within the class across a range of subjects.  Children have access to both PC’s and iPads.


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