Learning and Living Together


Our Curriculum Statement

‘Learning and Living Together’

  • Our curriculum aims to give all children the knowledge, skills and understanding to achieve to their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. This takes place in the context of a safe and nurturing school environment where each individual child is known and each individual child’s learning journey is unique to them. At Cale Green we believe that we are ‘learning and living together’


  • We aim to give the children the children the necessary skills to prepare them for life in modern British society. As a truly comprehensive primary school our ambitious curriculum reflects both the context of the school and the experiences of the children. This enables the children to be aspirational, to fulfil their potential and reach the highest of expectations that we have of them.


  • Our priority is to enable the children to succeed in the 21st century by providing a rich, relevant and exciting curriculum.  In doing so, the children will develop a lifelong love of learning. Reading for information and pleasure, writing for different purposes, being able to applying their maths skills to real life situations, being able to explain, analyse and persuade is at the heart of what we do.


  • Our approach to delivering a ‘creative curriculum’ ensures that we fully implement the National Curriculum. We follow a theme-based approach to learning in the belief that children learn best when logical and chronological connections are made between different aspects of their work. We encourage project work and research based learning to encourage the children to have enquiring minds, to take ownership of their own learning, fostering independence and developing resilience.


  • At Cale Green we believe that learning is an active collaboration between home and school. In addition to regular homework such as reading, spelling, handwriting and learning number facts (tables and number bonds) we encourage parents to become involved in project work and research based learning.



  • The children at Cale Green are taught in 3 key stages – the Early Years Foundation stage, Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2. In the Foundation Stage the children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 the children follow the National Curriculum.


  • Further details of all the Key Stages in a primary school can be accessed by following these links:





Our Creative Curriculum

Detailed below are the principles as to how at Cale Green we deliver the National Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2:

  • Planning for the delivery of the curriculum is a 3 stage process – long term (annual), medium term (each theme) and short term (daily/weekly). The teaching staff plan in phase teams, to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which demonstrates continuity and progression across the whole of the school and which will give each child the confidence, independence, resilience and ambition necessary to prepare them for the next stage in their learning.


  • The knowledge the children are expected to learn at each key stage is carefully planned and designed around a 2 year rolling programme (excluding Maths, English). A theme overview ensures that, over the course of 2 years, all areas of the national curriculum are taught. The overview ensures that the curriculum is taught coherently and sequentially, with children building on prior knowledge and experiences. Explicit links between themes are made, with children being encouraged to reflect on how their current learning builds on previous experiences and how they are being prepared for the next stage of their learning. As a result the children know more, remember more and are able to do more!


  • Within the theme overview, there are carefully thought out links to quality texts, enrichment activities, Science and Design Technology, where appropriate.


  • In the Foundation Subjects, Matrices of Key Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary inform teachers weekly planning, ensuring that key knowledge and skills are being coherently and sequentially planned and taught across the key stages. Teachers carefully choose the key knowledge they want to teach during a theme, along with the relevant vocabulary.


  • A range of teaching methods are used. The class layout, location of learning, resources, length of lesson and the type of teaching is tailored to ensure the desired outcomes. Teaching at Cale Green has the use of ‘Formative Assessment’ strategies at its heart.


  • English and Mathematics are taught daily. Reading (and phonics where appropriate), handwriting, spelling and rapid recall of number facts also takes place each day. Science and Computing is usually taught weekly. In Key Stage 2 there is a weekly reading comprehension lesson.


  • As each term in each school year varies in length we have addressed this by planning 4 themes of equal length – each 9 weeks long. The first 3 themes of each year are discretely planned. The 4th theme each year is left ‘open’ for a whole school theme. These have previously included ‘Down Our Way’ (Local History / Geography project), a joint Olympics + Jubilee theme, ‘Identity’ and ‘Fantastic Tales’. In 2018/19 theme was ‘STEM’. All the themes promote research and project based learning.


  • Each of the 9 weeks has a ‘Learning Challenge’ based around a ‘Key Question’. These Key Questions are formulated by the teaching staff, as they directly relate to the key knowledge that will be taught. The children have an opportunity to explore questions they would like answering related to the theme, during the pre-processing day and within the weekly lessons.  The ‘pre-processing’ day takes place prior to the beginning of a new theme. During this day, teachers explore what the children already know about the theme. Teachers use this pre-processing task to check prior knowledge and understanding of a theme. It allows teachers to identify any misconceptions at an early date and they can then respond to and adapt their teaching as necessary. It also allows children to share what questions they would like answering over the 9 week theme.


  • An ‘enrichment and engagement’ activity is planned for each theme to enhance learning and to engage the children. This could be a visit to a museum (local visits are encouraged to create a sense of ‘local identity’) or a visitor into school or looking at relevant artefacts.


  • Each theme ends with a class visit by parents who can see the work completed by their children and an ‘Animoto’ presentation detailing the work completed during the theme. All the ‘Animotos’ are then shared in a Family Assembly. This gives the opportunity for children to reflect on their own learning and celebrate their progress and for parents to be informed about their child’s learning.


  • Links are made where possible between the themes and with English and Maths to allow for the application of the knowledge, skills and understanding in the core subjects. The context of the theme is also used for learning in English and maths.


  • Year 6 also complete a transition project during their final 4th theme in preparation for their next stage of learning.  ‘The Chameleon Project’ is a broadly PSHE based scheme and it involves visits from past pupils, high school staff and elements of our Career Related Learning Strategy.


  • Swimming / PE / Music / RE are also in 9 week blocks (or are currently being developed). A Foreign Language (usually French) is taught across KS2.


  • Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) has a high priority and is taught at least weekly and is delivered through the PSHE Scheme of Work, the Local Authority ‘Spiral Curriculum’ for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education (DATE) and Anti-Bullying Workbook. We also use resources from a range of external organisations such as the PSHE Association. Activities such as ‘Circle Time’ , ‘Relax Kids’ and ‘Peer Massage’ are also used in the classroom to support PSHE. We stress the importance of being an ‘Active Citizen’ and have a special award for children who make a real contribution to the school and the wider community.


  • Specialist teaching is used wherever possible. This may be from local high schools and colleges (recently this has included developing science and food technology). The children in Key Stage 2 learn how to play the guitar – this is provided by the Music Service in Stockport. A specialist PE teacher is provided using Sport Premium funds and Stockport Lacrosse Club, Sale Sharks, Cheshire Cricket, Davenport Tennis Club, Life Leisure (Futsal) all provide coaches to complement teaching.


  • There is an extensive range of ‘enrichment and engagement’ activities both to support the development of ‘Cultural Capital’ during the school day and as extra-curricular activities. These include sports, dance, drama and parents and children working together as well as trips to theatres, museums, author visits, Gifted and Talented enrichment events and residential visits. Broadening the children’s experiences is at the heart of what we do and ensures that the development of the essential knowledge children need to succeed in life and be educated citizens.


  • In Religious Education we follow the locally agreed syllabus, ‘Learning for Life’. We also have a ‘comparative’ approach to celebrating and learning about the similarities and differences between cultures and religions. The children regularly visit different places of worship and we also have visitors from the Ethnic Diversity Service and the Bible Encounter Trust.


  • There are a number of additional curriculum events throughout the year which complement the planned curriculum and assist in the delivery of the National Curriculum. There are 3 ‘drop down’ PSHE Weeks – one is at the start of the year, another is around Internet Safety Day, and ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe Week. RE and Design and Technology in particular have specific time allocated to them throughout the year.


  • Homework is provided for each child. This includes reading, spelling, learning number facts (number bonds and times tables), guitar homework as well as activities related to the theme. A Homework Club is provided at school every lunchtime.


  • Regular curriculum events are held for parents. These take place at the beginning of the school year (‘Meet the Teacher’), at the end of each theme and during 3 annual Parent Consultations. A leaflet is also sent out at the start of each theme as well as a PSHE leaflet during each term. An annual school report is also sent to parents.


  • In this way our curriculum design of a broad, rich curriculum ensures that all children, including those with special educational needs / disabilities and disadvantaged children are ready for their next stage of learning and that they all have a broad range of experiences which will enable them to be successful, active citizens.



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