Wrap Around Care; Breakfast Club and After-School Club
We aim to provide high quality ‘wrap-around’ care for those children and families who need it. We operate a Breakfast Club and an After School Club. Both are well established and are very popular with children and staff.
We run the clubs with staff ftrom school which means you know that your child is safe and happy at school in a club staffed by adults who work with the children at other times of the day.
We know the children well so can meet their individual needs.
For your child this means an environment that is safe, supportive and encouraging. It is a place to be with friends and make new ones. They are able to try out new activities, to relax, to have fun and enjoy!
If you would like your child to come to either Breakfast Club or After School Club you will need to book them in using School Gateway.
1. Search for “School Gateway” in the Apple App Store / Google Play or on your phone go to www.schoolgateway.com/apple (Apple) or www.schoolgateway.com/android (Android)
2. Install the app and if asked, say yes to “Allow Push Notifications”
3. When you launch School Gateway for the first time, please select ‘New User’ and enter the email address and mobile telephone number you have registered with the school
4. The system will send a PIN code to your phone. Enter this PIN code and the app will be activated for you.
Children in Nursery need to contact to the office prior to booking After School Club and bookings need to be made 2 weeks in advance.
Children in Nursery eligible for 30 hours free childcare may use the Breakfast Club and After School Club as part of their entitlement. However, this will need booking in termly blocks. Please contact Mrs Crick or Mrs Campbell, in the school office, for further details:
Our Breakfast Club is now very well-established and is very popular with children and staff. It provides a calm and relaxed start to the school day - as well as a healthy breakfast!
Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am and children enter through the hall door from the playground.
Children from Nursery through to Year 4 inclusive must be accompanied to school by an adult. Children from Year 5 and Year 6 may arrive unaccompanied if you so wish.
Food is served until 8.15am. This time is also the cut-off time for attending the club.
Children using the Breakfast Club will be charged a flat rate of £2.00 per child per day and payment needs to be made at the time of booking.
There will be no charge for children in receipt of
Pupil Premium / free school meals.
Our After School Club runs every day from 3.00pm – 6.00pm Monday to Thursday and to 5.45pm on Fridays and is available for all the children who attend the school. There are a team of After School workers: Mrs Karen Thomas, Mrs Alison Sargeant and Mrs Andrea Rogers.
The cost of this club is £8.00 per session.
We also accept payment through the government’s tax free childcare scheme:
Please contact the school office for further information about the payment options:
All bookings and amendments need to be made on School Gateway.
Please note full payment will still be required if the 2 working days notice is not given to cancel a session.
A late charge of £1.00 per minute will be applied if children are not collected on time.