Key Stage 1
In the Year 1 and Year 2 classes children follow the National Curriculum. In Year 1 children have a Phonics Screening Check to assess their phonic decoding skills.
Further details of the phonics screening check can be accessed by following this link:
At the end of Year 2 the children are assessed by teachers to find out what level they are working at. As well as making their own judgements they also use the results from national tasks and tests.
Further details of the Key Stage 1 curriculum and the KS1 SATs can be accessed by following this link:
The statutory primary national curriculum, including programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects at Key Stage 1 which is followed by the school can be found by following this link:
In Key Stage 1 the children are taught the full range of National Curriculum subjects. During the morning your child will be taught Maths and English and will be expected to record their work mainly through writing. Other subjects are normally taught in the afternoons and are linked closely with the class theme where possible.
Phonics and Guided Reading take place daily and the children will take a reading book as well as a library book home daily for further practice. Phonics is a crucial part of learning during Key Stage 1 and supports your child becoming a fluent and confident reader and writer. Look out for Parent Workshops throughout the year to support your child’s development of phonics and early reading.
Children are taught letter formation and joins following our cursive handwriting scheme, which enables children to develop an independent, mature style of writing. Good presentation is expected at all times and displaying children’s work is an integral part of the process. Ultimately we want each child to develop a fluent, legible and attractive style of handwriting.
A high priority is given to teaching children mental strategies to calculate independently. The children are given many opportunities to gain knowledge and understanding of mathematics through practical experiences in the classroom. The children will have a weekly number fact challenge where they will be expected to recall important number facts.