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Learning and Living Together

Welcome to Cale Green Primary School

‘Pupils are happy in this school which sits at the heart of a close-knit, multicultural community. Pupils are kind, friendly and considerate towards each other. They feel safe because they are well looked after by a staff team that have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievement. Pupils do their best each day to live up to the high standards that staff set for them.' Ofsted 2022 

Dear Parents / Carers,

On behalf of everyone at Cale Green may I extend the warmest of welcomes to you and your child!

Cale Green is a vibrant, truly comprehensive school with children from a wide range of different backgrounds, reflecting the diverse community found in the Cale Green and Davenport area. We are a busy but friendly school with lots going on. This website, along with regular emails and Twitter messages aims to give you a taste of the school as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.

At Cale Green, we believe that a strong partnership between home and school is the foundation for a successful education. Children need to feel secure and happy in order to learn, therefore it is vital that good relationships between home and school are maintained.

We have high standards and we always ask the children to ‘do their best’ whether it is in lessons or by trying to be the best person and friend that they can be. We also stress the importance of politeness and good manners.

We know that every child who comes to Cale Green has something unique and valuable to contribute and our role is to encourage each child to fulfil their potential by becoming actively involved in all aspects of school life.

We believe that children learn best from first-hand experiences and we have developed a very wide range of ‘enrichment’ and ‘engagement’ activities, from visits to museums and galleries, residential activity holidays and visitors into school. We want to create a life-long love of learning that isn’t just restricted to school!

Cale Green is an ‘Extended School’ and we run daily Breakfast and After-School Clubs. We also hold a range of activities for parents and families including art and craft sessions and a weekly ‘Baby and Toddler’ pre-school group.

Here at Cale Green, we have a hugely talented and committed team of staff to ensure that our curriculum, teaching and learning and care and support meets the different needs of every young person.

We aim to provide a secure, happy and stimulating learning environment where everyone is valued and encouraged to do their best at all times to reach their full potential. We provide a respectful and supportive environment where children have opportunities to make good choices which will develop their skills for lifelong learning.

The Staff, Governors, Parents and Pupils are very proud of Cale Green and as you look around at our website you will see the enriched and continuous learning opportunities that are a staple to our school life.

We hope that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.

Please accept our invitation to come along and see for yourself the wide and varied learning opportunities we offer and the caring and stimulating educational environment where learning is a positive and enjoyable experience.

With whatever that ‘special ingredient’ is here at Cale Green Primary School, we will continue to grow and be proud of our school - a place where children and adults can feel safe, happy and thrive as people, professionals and learners – ‘Learning and Living Together’. As Ofsted stated, 'There is rarely a dull moment at Cale Green!'

Further information about the school is contained in the most recent Ofsted report which can be found on the school website. 

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Sarah McHugh 
Head teacher



If you are worried about your child on the internet click

“Pupils are happy in this school which sits at the heart of a close-knit, multicultural community. Pupils are kind, friendly and considerate towards each other. They feel safe because they are well looked after by a staff team that have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievement. Pupils do their best each day to live up to the high standards that staff set for them.”
Ofsted 2022

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