Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) - Including SEN Information Report
SEN Information Report (2024/ 2025)
At Cale Green Primary School, our aim is to provide the best possible education for all the children so that they achieve the very best that they can.
All our pupils receive ‘Quality First Teaching’. This means that a range of teaching and learning approaches are used and that appropriate learning objectives are set for all pupils with a curriculum matched to their needs.
All our classes are supported by teaching assistants and pupils are also offered small group work or catch up programmes if needed.
Some pupils are supported to develop their social skills or to improve their emotional well-being through work with our Children and Families Support Worker.
Each term the progress and attainment of every pupil is reviewed by teachers, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator Mrs Carole Harding (SENDCo), and the Assessment Coordinator. This review will highlight those children who may need additional support and provision is then made.
You will be informed about your children’s general progress through Parent Consultations that take place three times a year and through a detailed written report on your child at the end of the academic year.
If your child continues to have any difficulties after following an intervention programme or has a high level of additional need when they join the school, they may be considered to have Special Educational Needs.
You may have concerns about your child and feel that they need additional help. The files below are the individual sections of our SEN Information report and should help you to find answers to key questions that you might have. They will give you information on who can help and how this support can be accessed.
If you would like further information, please contact either Mrs McHugh, Head teacher or Mrs Harding, SENDCo on 0161 480 2715 or email school:
Watch me do it is a free website to help children with dyspraxia/DCD, or other movement difficulties, learn activities of daily living
The website contains movement demonstration videos for various everyday movement skills, like shoelace tying and using cutlery
Children with dyspraxia/DCD can watch the videos as often as they like, then practice copying the movements
All the videos are recorded from a first-person viewpoint to match the viewpoint children have when practicing the skills
The videos and website were informed by published research findings and developed in collaboration with occupational therapists
Access the website here: https://watchmedoit.mmu.ac.uk/