Learning and Living Together

Road Safety- Cycling

Road Safety - Cycling

Get cycling and explore near and far with your children.

There are lots of guides online to help you teach your child to cycle such as -

Teach a child to ride a bike without stabilisers in nine steps - Sustrans.org.uk ,

How to teach a kid to ride a bike in 30 minutes | video guide (bikeradar.com) ,

How to teach your child to ride a bike (britishcycling.org.uk)

Information on cycle routes in Stockport can be found at https://www.stockport.gov.uk/cycle-routes

For more information on routes, tips and training, including family sessions, see Cycling | TfGM Bee Active

Remember to take care and be courteous to other road and trail users. See The Highway Code - Rules for cyclists (59 to 82) - Guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

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