Data Protection Information Management policies
Cale Green Primary School will create, maintain and manage accurate, reliable and useable records in line to ensure the organisation has the information it needs to operate and to have information available when it is needed.
The organisation will formulate an information governance framework to ensure the information in the organisation’s electronic and paper records:
● support the successful operations of the Organisation
● can be trusted
● contain only the minimum required information for the purpose of the information
● are properly maintained and organised
● are handled appropriately and in accordance with legal requirements and other guidance
● remain accessible, readable, authentic and up-to-date
● are kept securely, whatever the format
● can be easily found by those who need them
● only accessed by those permitted to view them
● support efficiency by avoiding duplication and only printing emails and electronic records when absolutely necessary
● are retained for a specified length of time and not indefinitely as retaining data can expose the Organisation to risk
● are disposed of securely as per the disposal schedule