Managing Medical Needs
This area holds a wealth of information about managing medical needs whilst your child is at Cale Green Primary School including a comprhensive policy which is updated annually.
Please keep school updated of any changes if your child has a medical condition.
Medicines in School
If your child requires a prescribed medicine 4 times a day and a dose has to be administered at lunchtime then parents must complete a request form. Without this we will be unable to administer any medicines. These forms are available at the school office. The medicine must be in the original labelled bottle.
We have been advised that if your child requires a prescribed medicine 3 times a day then there is normally no need for them to be given that medicine at school. The medicine can be given before school, when the children return home and in the evening.
Even if your child has not been diagnosed with asthma but has been given an inhaler (for any reason) then please inform the school office as soon as possible. Please be aware that very cold weather can trigger asthma symptoms. Please see the article below for further details: