Learning and Living Together

School Development Plan 2023 2024

Our School Development Plan contains a wealth of information assessing how well we are performing as a school, what our long term strategic priorities are and details of activities that we are undertaking to help improve provision during this academic year. We welcome parents to look at this and feedback any comments or thoughts they have about this plan either through our feedback form on the website or verbally to us. 

The 6 priorities are listed below:  

The percentage of children acheiving Secure / Greater Depth in reading / Writing / Maths to meet or exceed national levels by summer 2024 in Key Stage 1 and 2.

Maintain, and continue to develop and build on the outstanding practice from practitioners in Early Years to ensure that expected progress is made in terms of achieving a Good Level of Development with a particular focus on Communication, Language and Literacy.

Continue to develop staff knowledge of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to ensure personalised provision and adaptive teaching is in place so that children with SEND make good and measurable progress within current year groups.

Continue to maitain a successful environment where behaviour is outstanding and pupils can learn and feel safe. 

Promote self-esteem and emotional health and well-being for all children. 

Leaders are ambitious for the school and strive to want the very best for pupils and are determined that they will achieve it. 

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