Learning and Living Together

Internet Safety Day 2018

Lesson: Information and communication technology

A selection of work from E-Safety Day 2018

Nursery- Mrs Adie

We talked about different ways the children can go online (playstation,  iPhone,  ipad, Xbox etc) then talked about what to do if something unexpected happens when we are online. We dipped into the Smartie the Penguin resources, including the song.

Reception – Safer Internet Day

Reception listened to the story of ‘Smartie the Penguin’. They learned it was very important to tell an adult if you see anything on your computer or tablet you are not sure of. We learnt the song “Before you click, click, click, you better think, think, think and tell someone.” We then made Smartie the penguin stick puppets in the workshop.

Year 1 – Mrs Cronshaw

In year one we talked about the images we have seen on the internet, animals, sports people and maybe our families.  We then looked at the school website and talked about how the images got on the site and the permissions needed.  Then we looked at an image of a boy and his dog and highlighted the clues we could see in  the picture.  Then we sorted images that we thought would be ok to share and those that showed person information.  The children then completed a recorded activity.

Year 1 – Miss Bayley

Year 1 looked at lots of different images and discussed whether it would be safe to post the images online or not. They then chose one image and discussed and wrote about why it would not be safe to share the image online.

Year 2- Miss Best

During Internet Safety Day, Miss Best’s Year 2 class, thought about photos of themselves that have been uploaded onto the World Wide Web. We discussed different places their photos had been uploaded – Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter and talked about would it be okay to upload photos of our friends without their permission? We then looked at a photograph that had been uploaded to Facebook of a young boy playing in his garden with his pet dog.  The children were really surprised to learn that even from a photograph someone could find out lots of personal information about yourself, which should be kept private whenever going on-line.  The children then created their own personal collage, selecting images from Google and copying and pasting them into a Publisher document – selecting images that represented themselves but at the same time didn’t give away any personal information. 

Year 2- Ms Ingham

Year 3

For Internet Safety Day, Year 3 thought about the type of information we share with people and what information was appropriate to share with whom. First, we decided on some pieces of information and decided which of those pieces were personal information. We then looked at some of the different people that we meet in our lives and chose what information we would give to them.

An interesting situation we thought about was what information we would need to give to enter a competition online. Whilst initially some of us thought that we would give our name, email address, telephone number and home address, we then thought about what the competition runners would actually need to tell us that we had won. We then all agreed that they would only need our name and email address.

Doing this activity helped us to understand what information was personal to us and under which circumstances we should give out personal, and other, information. Knowing this will help us to stay safe online and in real life!

Year 4

In Year 4, we started the day by listening to a series of questions read by Miss Falconer. Each question asked us to give Miss Falconer some of our personal information. We held up a sign to say whether we thought it was safe to answer or not safe and explained why. We then repeated this activity but imagined that it was an online friend who we hadn’t met before who was asking the questions. We know that it would not be safe to disclose any personal information to someone who we don’t know, even if we have spoken to them before.

We then had a selection of cards with names of different people in our groups, for example ‘bus driver’, ‘Grandma’, ‘shop assistant’. We also had cards with a range of information types on them, such as ‘telephone number’, ‘your favourite colour’, ‘what school you go to’. We had to decide which people we could tell each detail to and explain our reasoning.

We know that we can give some personal information to trusted grown-ups who we know well and that we must never, ever give any personal information to a stranger.

Year 5

Year 6

For Internet Safety Day Year 6 focused on the fact that once information is placed on the internet it’s there for life. We watched the CEOP video called Jigsaw which highlights the dangers and shows how easy it is for your personal information can be shared without you intending it to.

Year 6 then considered which format would best facilitate getting the important messages t children of a similar age to themselves- we chose year 5: some groups chose to create eye-catching posters whilst others made informative adverts using IMovie; all of which included important information about CEOP and CEOP button.

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